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Product Overview

Generic name: Beijing Tongrentang Royal Products
Chinese Pinyin: Beijing Tongrentang Yupin
Product name: Tongrentang
Ingredients: Anti-aging Yishou Pills: Ginseng, Rehmannia glutinosa, Tremella, Mussels, Agarwood, Tortoiseshell (sand vinegar quenching), Deer tendons, Cordyceps, Astragalus (honey roasting), Dogwood (wine roast), Epimedium 59 flavors such as oil broiled), antlers. Yishenqiangshen pills: Poria, Astragalus (honey roasted), Gorgon (fried bran), Rehmannia glutinosa, black sesame, Arborvitae leaves, Polygonatum (wine roasted), black beans, Chinese yam, keel (calcined), amber, Ziheche, Pearls, Polygonum multiflorum (black beans roasted in wine), walnuts, asparagus, Ophiopogon japonicus, Scrophulariaceae, Daqing salt, dates. The auxiliary material is honey.
Properties: This product is a black-brown concentrated honey pill; it has a slight fragrance, sour, sweet and slightly bitter taste.
Functions and indications: Nourishing kidney, nourishing essence, nourishing qi and blood. It is used for deficiency of kidney essence, deficiency of both qi and blood, chest tightness, shortness of breath, insomnia, forgetfulness, backache and soft legs, general fatigue, mental decline, and early white hair.
Specification: 3g*10 pills+3g*10 pills
Usage and dosage: Orally, take 20-30 Yishenqiangshen pills in the morning and 20-30 anti-aging Yishou pills in the evening. Or follow the doctor's advice.
Adverse reactions: not yet clear
Contraindications: children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women are forbidden; for those who have a cold and fever.
Note: 1. Avoid spicy, cold and greasy food.
2. Stop taking exogenous feelings.
3. Use with caution if the spleen and stomach are weak, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distension, loose stools, cough and excessive sputum.
4. Dry mouth and hemorrhoids, reduce the dosage.
5. People with severe chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, and kidney disease should take it under the guidance of a physician.
6. The dosage should start from a small dosage and gradually increase to the prescribed dosage, subject to no dryness in the mouth after taking the medicine. In spring and summer, the dosage can be reduced by 5 capsules.
7. If the symptoms are not relieved after taking the medicine for 4 weeks, you should go to the hospital for treatment.
8. Take according to the usage and dosage, if you need to take it continuously for a long time, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist.
9. People who are allergic to this product should not use it with caution.
10. It is forbidden to use this product when its properties change.
11. Please keep this product out of reach of children.
12. If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.
13. If the inner packaging is plastic spherical shell, the wax skin and plastic spherical shell should be removed before taking.
Drug interactions: Drug interactions may occur if used with other drugs at the same time. Please consult your physician or pharmacist for details.
Pharmacology and Toxicology: Unclear
Storage: sealed.
Packing: Packed in plastic case. Each pill contains 3g (30 pills), and each box contains 10 pills.
Validity period: 48 months
Approval number: National Medicine Standard Z11020767 + National Medicine Standard Z11020769
Company Name: Beijing Tongrentang Natural Medicine (Tangshan) Co., Ltd.


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