Pulinsong San Shen Wan For Tonifying The Kidney &Yang 4.5g*12 Bags

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Product Overview

Generic name: Sanshen pill
Chinese Pinyin: SanShenWan
Product name: prince
Ingredients: deer kidney (hot talcum powder), dog kidney (hot talcum powder), donkey kidney (hot talcum powder), curculio, aconite (prepared), cinnamon, epimedium (sheep oil), papaya, tree peony peel, Yam (fried bran), dogwood, Baizhu (fried soil), Poria, fennel (salt roasted), licorice (honey roasted), tangerine peel, Chuanshizi (salt roasted), raspberry, Dipsacus, Angelica, Chuanxiong, Dihuang , Rehmannia glutinosa, Fenugreek (salted), Cistanche, Cynomorium, Morinda officinalis, Psoralen (salted), Astragalus (honey), Chinese wolfberry, Asparagus, Ophiopogon, Achyranthes, Eucommia (salted) ), dodder seeds, ginseng, velvet antler (shortened in butter), hippocampus (shortened in butter), gecko (shortened in butter).
Properties: This product is a brown to dark brown water honey pill; smelly, slightly bitter taste.
Functions and indications: Nourishing kidney and essence, warming and strengthening Yuanyang. It is used for kidney essence loss, impotence and slippery essence caused by insufficient Yuanyang, soreness of waist and knees, shortness of breath and fatigue.
Specification: 4.5g*12 bags/box
Usage and Dosage: Orally, 4.5ï½?.0g once, twice a day, with light saline.
Adverse reactions: not yet clear
Contraindications: Avoid raw and cold foods during the period of taking the drug, and sexual intercourse should be controlled.
Precautions: Avoid raw or cold food during the medication, and sexual intercourse should be controlled.
Storage: sealed.
Packaging: Composite film, 4.5g*12 bags/box.
Validity period: 36 months
Approval number: National Medicine Standard Z20055673
Company Name: Changchun People's Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.


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