Longshikang Dabaidu Jiaonang For Urethritis 0.5g*42 Capsules

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Product Overview

Generic name: Dabaidu Capsules
Chinese Pinyin: DaBaiDuJiaoNang
Product name: Long Shikang
Ingredients: rhubarb, dandelion, tangerine peel, mussel seed, angelica, trichosanthes, honeysuckle, cork, frankincense (prepared), angelica, red peony root, licorice, snake slough (prepared in wine), dried toad (prepared), centipede, whole scorpion, Glauber's salt.
Properties: This product is a capsule, the content is yellow-brown powder, smelly, bitter taste.
Functions and indications: Clear blood and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain. It is used for syphilis caused by visceral toxic fever, bloody blood, turbidity, urethral irritation, constipation, scabies, ulcer, swelling and pain.
Specification: 0.5g*42 capsules/box
Usage and dosage: Oral. 5 capsules at a time, 4 times a day.
Adverse reactions: not yet clear
Taboo: Not yet clear
Note: Pregnant women should not take it.
Storage: sealed.
Packaging: Medicinal PVC, aluminum foil packaging; 14 tablets*3 boards/box.
Validity period: 36 months
Executive standard: WS3-B-2280-97
Approval number: National Medicine Zhunzi Z22023188
Company Name: Tonghua Zhenlin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Company Address: No. 88, Lianhua Road, Erdaojiang District, Tonghua City


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