Lai Fu Zi Fen Powder of Radish Seeds

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Product Overview

Parts used: Dried ripe seeds

TCM category: Herbs that relieve Food Stagnation

TCM nature: Neutral

TCM taste(s): Pungent Sweet

Meridian affinity: Spleen Stomach Lung

Scientific name: Raphanus sativus

Other names: Lai Fu Zi

Use of radish seeds (Lai Fu Zi) in TCM
Please note that you should never self-prescribe TCM ingredients. A TCM ingredient is almost never eaten on its own but as part of a formula containing several ingredients that act together. Please consult a professional TCM practitionner, they will be best able to guide you.

Preparation: Remove impurities, wash and dry. Crush before use.

Dosage: 6 - 12 grams

Main actions according to TCM*: Warms the digestion and unblocks Food Stagnation. Reverses Rebellious Lung Qi and transforms Phlegm

Primary conditions or symptoms for which radish seeds may be prescribed by TCM doctors*: Phlegm Abdominal pain Abdominal bloating Constipation Acid reflux Whooping cough

Contraindications*: This herb should not be used by those who suffer from Deficient Qi.

Common TCM formulas in which radish seeds are used*:

For Food Stagnation, bloating, acid regurgitation combine radish seeds with medicated leaven (Shen Qu) and hawthorn berries (Shan Zha).
For food poisoning and overindulgence in rich and greasy foods or alcohol with symptoms of abdominal bloating, belching and acid regurgitation combine radish seeds with hawthorn berries (Shan Zha), medicated leaven (Shen Qu), tangerine peel (Chen Pi), crow-dipper rhizomes (Ban Xia), poria-cocos mushrooms (Fu Ling) and forsythia fruits (Lian Qiao).
For stagnation of Lung Qi or Kidney deficiency where the Kidneys cannot grasp the Lung Qi, wheezing combine radish seeds with agarwood (Chen Xiang).
Key TCM concepts behind radish seeds (Lai Fu Zi)'s properties
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), radish seeds are plants that belong to the 'Herbs that relieve Food Stagnation' category. These herbs typically possess digestive and Food moving properties as they relate to the Stomach and Spleen. Some of these herbs are high in digestive enzymes and have varying specific abilities to help with the digestion of food.

Furthermore radish seeds are plants that are Neutral in nature. This means that radish seeds typically don't affect the balance in your body. Balance between Yin and Yang is a key health concept in TCM. Eating too many "Hot" (Yang) ingredients can lead to an imbalance whereby one has a Yang excess. The inverse is true as well: too many "Cold" (Yin) ingredients can lead to a Yin excess. The Neutral nature of radish seeds means that you don't have to worry about that!

Radish seeds also taste Pungent and Sweet. The so-called "five elements" theory in Chinese Medicine states that the taste of TCM ingredients is a key determinant of their action in the body. Pungent ingredients like radish seeds tend to promote the circulations of Qi and body fluids. That's why for instance someone tends to sweat a lot when they eat spicy/pungent food. On the other hand Sweet ingredients tend to slow down acute reactions and detoxify the body. They also have a tonic effect because they replenish Qi and Blood.

The tastes of ingredients in TCM also determine what organs and meridians they target. As such radish seeds are thought to target the Spleen, the Stomach and the Lung. In TCM the Spleen assists with digestion, blood coagulation and fluid metabolism in the body. The Stomach on the other hand is responsible for receiving and ripening ingested food and fluids. It is also tasked with descending the digested elements downwards to the Small Intestine. In addition to performing respiration, the Lungs are thought to be a key part of the production chain for Qi and the body fluids that nourish the body.

Use of radish seeds (Lai Fu Zi) as food
Radish seeds are also eaten as food.


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