Kangqili Yao Xi Tong Jiao Nang For Lumbar Disease 0.3g*24 Capsules

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Product Overview

Generic name: Yaoxitong Capsules
Chinese Pinyin: Yaoxitong Jiaonang
Commodity name: Kangqili
Ingredients: Angelica dahurica, Radix Acanthus (prepared), Dihuo, Dipsacus, Achyranthes, Panax notoginseng, Fangfeng, Weilingxian, Gentiana, Chuanjia Bark, Fangji, Sea Breeze Vine, Eucommia, Eucommia ulmoides, Polygonum multiflorum, Mulberry, Angelica Rhizoma Drynariae, Safflower, Millennium Health, Red Peony Root, Cinnamon Twig, P-acetamidophenol.
Properties: This product is a capsule, the content is gray-brown powder; the taste is bitter and sweet.
Functions and indications: Relieve muscles and collaterals, remove blood stasis and relieve pain, activate blood and expel wind. For rheumatoid arthritis, hypertrophic lumbar spondylitis, hypertrophic thoracic spondylitis, cervical spondylitis, sciatica, lumbar muscle strain.
Specifications: 0.3g per capsule (containing 0.1g of p-acetamidophenol).
Usage and dosage: Oral, take after meal. Take 2 capsules at a time, 3 times a day.
Adverse reactions: 1. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.
2. Mental and nervous system: dizziness, headache, numbness, etc.
3. Skin and its accessories: rash, itching, sweating, etc.
4. Cardiovascular system: palpitations, blood pressure fluctuations, etc.
5. Respiratory system: chest tightness, difficulty breathing, etc.
6. Other: visual abnormalities, etc.
Contraindications: 1. Those who are allergic to this product or the ingredients of the prescription are forbidden.
2. It is forbidden for pregnant women and lactating women.
3. Severe heart disease, atrioventricular block, high blood pressure are not used.
4. Prohibited for patients with ethanol poisoning and liver disease; for patients with liver and kidney dysfunction.
Note: 1. Each capsule of this product contains 0.1g of acetaminophen. The usual dosage of acetaminophen for adults: 0.3~0.6g once, 2~3 times a day, or as directed by a doctor, the daily dose should not exceed 2g. When combined with drugs containing paracetamol, care should be taken to calculate the dosage of paracetamol to avoid overdose. It has been reported in the literature that patients with renal insufficiency who use paracetamol in large quantities for a long time can cause thrombocytopenia, liver damage, and even jaundice; it can further aggravate renal damage, and suddenly appear oliguria, azotemia and other renal failure manifestations.
2. Aconitine is contained in the herbal medicine of this product. It should be taken under the guidance of a doctor, strictly in accordance with the usage and dosage of the instructions, starting with a small dose, and not increasing the dosage and time arbitrarily. If you experience tingling of your lips and tongue, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, upset, vomiting, and difficulty breathing after taking the medicine, you should stop the medicine immediately and go to the hospital for treatment.
3. The use of acetaminophen-containing drugs can cause rare but fatal skin adverse reactions. It has been reported that a very small number of patients who use acetaminophen may have fatal and serious skin adverse reactions, such as exfoliative dermatitis, moderate Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), Stevens Johson syndrome (SJS), acute generalized eruptive impetigo (AGEP). If itching or rash occurs after medication, especially erythema and erosion of the oral cavity, eyes, and external genitalia, the medication should be discontinued immediately or as directed by a doctor.
4. Attention should be paid to the influence of acetaminophen on blood sugar, uric acid, liver biochemical examination, urine 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) determination.
5. Attention should be paid to the drug interaction between acetaminophen and the combined drug:
(1) Long-term drinking or use of other liver enzyme inducers, especially patients who use barbiturates or other anticonvulsants, have an increased risk of liver toxicity when long-term or excessive use of acetaminophen.
(2) Anticoagulant: Large or long-term use of acetaminophen can reduce the synthesis of coagulation factors in the liver and enhance the effect of anticoagulants. Therefore, the dosage of anticoagulants should be adjusted according to the prothrombin time.
(3) When combined with aspirin, other salicylate preparations or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in large quantities for a long time (such as the cumulative dosage of 1000g per year, when used for more than 3 years), it can significantly increase nephrotoxicity (including renal papillary necrosis) , Kidney and bladder cancer, etc.).
(4) When combined with the antiviral zidovudine, it can reduce the binding effect with glucuronic acid, reduce the clearance rate and increase the toxicity, so simultaneous application should be avoided.
(5) Taking the same with chloramphenicol can enhance the toxicity of the latter.
6. People with gastrointestinal discomfort or allergies should use it with caution.
7. Avoid taking medicine on an empty stomach or after drinking alcohol.
8. This product should not be used together with Chinese medicines containing Pinellia, Fritillaria, Trichosanthes, Trichosanthis, Baiji, Baiji, etc.
Storage: sealed.
Packaging: Aluminum-plastic blister packaging, 12 tablets per plate, 2 plates per box.
Validity period: 24 months
Approval number: National Medicine Zhunzi Z44023299
Company Name: Guangdong Kangqili Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.


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