BAYER Canesten Clotrimazole Vaginal Tablets For Vaginitis 0.5g*1 Tablets (OTC/with dosing device)

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Product Overview

Generic name: Clotrimazole vaginal tablets
Chinese Pinyin: Kemeizuoyindao Pian
English name: Canesten
Product name: Kanetin
Ingredients: Each tablet of this product contains 0.5g of the main ingredient clotrimazole.
Properties: This product is white or almost white.
Indications: For candidal vaginosis.
Specification: 0.5g*1 piece/box
Usage and dosage: Vaginal administration. 1 tablet before going to bed, 1 tablet is a course of treatment. Place the tablet deep in the vagina. Generally, one medication is sufficient, and if necessary, a second treatment can be performed after 4 days.
Adverse reactions: occasionally local irritation, itching or burning sensation.
Taboo: People who are allergic to this product should not be used.
Note: 1. Pregnant women, lactating women and women with asexual life history should use it under the guidance of a physician.
2. Avoid menstrual period when using this product.
3. If there is a burning sensation, redness and swelling at the medication site, the medication should be discontinued, and the local medication should be washed off, and consult a physician if necessary.
4. Pay attention to personal hygiene during medication, prevent repeated infections, use condoms or avoid intercourse.
5. Wash hands or wear finger cots or gloves when administering.
6. This product is for vaginal treatment only, do not take it orally.
7. People who are allergic to this product should not use it with caution.
8. It is forbidden to use this product when its properties change.
9. Please keep this product out of reach of children.
10. If you are using other medicines, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.
Drug interactions: 1. This product should not be used with other antifungal drugs, such as nystatin.
2. The auxiliary materials of this product can damage latex products, so condoms or vaginal diaphragms should not be used.
3. If it is used at the same time with other drugs, drug interactions may occur, please consult your physician or pharmacist for details.
Pharmacology and Toxicology: This product is a broad-spectrum antifungal drug, which has a good antibacterial effect on a variety of fungi, especially Candida albicans. Its mechanism of action is to inhibit the synthesis of fungal cell membranes and affect their metabolic processes.
Storage: Keep tightly sealed.
Packaging: Contains 1 0.5g clotrimazole vaginal tablet and 1 drug dispenser.
Validity period: 48 months
Approval number: National Medicine Standard J20130174
Company Name: Qidong Branch of Bayer Healthcare Co., Ltd.



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